Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Labs

  • LIRIMA (Laboratoire international de recherche en informatique et mathématiques appliquées): MADYNES is associated with the MASECNESS research team of the Yaoundé University in Cameroun. The collaboration is about wireless sensors networks and was the support for funding student mobility (3 months this year). The LIRIMA has also supported the purchase of thirty sensors used in our common work.

Inria International Partners

Declared Inria International Partners
  • JFLI (CNRS UMI 3527) in Tokyo: Thomas Silverston is currently in this lab (délégation) in Tokyo. The main goal of his research work is to anticipate the evolution of the Internet and to focus on the design of new architectures for the Future Internet. His research program at the JFLI (CNRS, UMI 3527) focus on the use of SDN to allow deploying new network architecture and functionalities in virtualized environment (e.g., ICN) as well as providing a management plane to help network operators monitoring novel network architecture for the Future Internet.

  • University of Luxembourg: we have several active cooperations with the university of Luxembourg around network security, Information Centric Networking and Software Defined Networking. Especially, we have one ongoing Ph.D. candidate (Samuel Marchal) and Jérôme François is a Fellow at SnT (Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust) to empower these collaborations. Besides S. Marchal, we are working particularly with Radu State, Thomas Engel and Salvatore Signorello.

Informal International Partners
  • University of Twente, The Netherlands, joint work with Professor Aiko Pras on large scale network monitoring and attack detection

  • Jacobs University Bremen, joint PhD. with Professor Schoenwaelder on security management in wireless sensor networks

  • Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), joint work with Professor Granville on autonomic management systems

  • University of the Federal Armed Forces, Munich Germany, joint work with Professor Gabi Dreo on cloud and mobile cloud security management

  • Politecnico di Milano, Italy, joint work with Professor Antonio Capone and Giuliana Carello on energy-aware network management and cloud infrastructures

  • Polytecnique de Montrèal, Canada, joint work with Professor Brunilde Sansò on energy-aware network management

  • IASI-CNR (National Italian Center of Research), Italy, joint work with Sara Mattia on optimization methods for energy-aware survivable networks

  • Zhejiang University (China), joint ANR-NSFC Quasimodo project with professors Youxian Sun, Jiming Chen and Zhi Wang on the adaptive QoS in WSN and multi-target tracking.